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Listen to our Shows
Once you’ve found something that looks interesting, listen to it! Here’s
Listen on the Web
If you’ve found something you want to listen to right away, just click
the “Listen” button to hear it on the Web. And if you like what you hear,
Don’t panic! – It’s almost always free.
When you subscribe to a podcast you’ll get the newest episodes delivered
right to you as soon as they’re available. To subscribe, though, you’ll
need to get some great music software like the Yahoo! Music Engine or
Apple iTunes. New episodes will show up there whenever they’re available.
If you just want a copy of a particular episode, you don’t have to subscribe.
You can just click the “Download” button to save to your hard disk. Then,
manage it and play it like you would any other audio file. (But trust
us, you’ll like subscribing.)
On the Go
If you want to listen to a podcast on your MP3 player, it’s easy. Just
download the episode to your computer, or subscribe to the series, and
use your music software (Yahoo! Music Engine or Apple iTunes) to transfer
it to your MP3 player.
Do I need an iPod or an MP3 player to listen to podcasts?
Not at all. You can listen to podcasts directly from your computer. If
you want to take it with you, any MP3 player or iPod will work.
Do I need special software to listen to podcasts on my computer?
Nope. You can listen to podcasts directly from the Web using the Yahoo!
Podcasts site. Just select a podcast and click “Listen”! This works if
you’re on a PC or a Mac. To subscribe to a podcast – which automatically
loads new episodes onto your computer -you will need music player software.
What Is A Podcast?
A podcast is recorded audio distributed via RSS.
Podcasting allows anyone who wants to broadcast to reach a huge potential
audience online. More info: Wikipedia’s
podcasting entry
You need an application, commonly called a “podcatcher” to download and
organize podcasts.